Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saya belajar sesuatu hari ini ('',)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Here is the story,

Before the semester ended, it happened that i was giving
one of the most favourite books, The Last Lecture to my lecturer, Sir Hyisyam.
He was leaving us for a promotion. {Congrats sir!}
In all of sudden, i just cant think about any other suitable gift for him.
As a token of appreciation, I gave him the book..
Again, one of my precious books on shelves.

{*end of story*}

Not regreting of giving the book away,
I was thinking of getting another copy.
I know it is quite hard to get the book.
Before, my cousin was hunting for the book all over KL-Sel bookstores.
But none of them stiil got the copy.
It was already sold out during that time.
Lastly, i managed to get the book after several times of
pre-booking at the MPH online. That was before.

This time around, i think i just need a used book to complete
the list of my precious collection.
So, i asked him to get a used one at carboot or charity shop.
(manela tau kot2 ade kn ;p)

When he was calling me very early this morning,
he said he already bought the book at Amazon for GBP 8++
a brand new instead of used one.
suprisingly, hard cover lg tu ;p
waduh waduh...sungguh gumbira hati ini...('',)
mahunya yang buruk saja, tp dapat yang baru, hardcover lg ;p
tQ so much dearie...

The Last Lecture|hardcover


1. Give something away and I get something new in return (which is far better) I'Allah.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud, Berhadiah-hadiahlah antara kamu kerana dengan itu dapat menambahkan kasih sayang antara kamu.
(Riwayat Tabrani)
2. Tangan yang memberi lebih baik dari menerima.
Sabda baginda lagi ketika di atas mimbar yang bermaksudnya: “Dan baginda menyebutkan tentang sedekah, menjaga kehormatan diri, dan tentang meminta-minta. Tangan yang di atas lebih baik daripada tangan yang di bawah. Maka tangan di atas itu adalah yang memberikan nafkah sedang tangan yang di bawah adalah yang meminta.” (Hadis riwayat Al-Bukhari)

3. Hadiahkanlah sesuatu yang paling kita sayangi kepada seseorang kerana kita pasti akan yang lebih baik daripada itu. Kalau tidak yang paling kita sayang pun, yang terbaik la kan.

4. Good deed is really something in return.
yes! very true indeed ('',)

Saya yang telah mempelajari sesuatu,



Mr_17 said...

klu gi2 mu bg la adiah ke ak etek..kkg mu dpt wat molek lagi...

nadianorudin said...

mu nok mende lim?
bereh lalu...muahaha

Hacked by w3d0z said...

alhamdulillah =)