Saturday, April 25, 2009

SAYA PUN MELAYU by Zaid Ibrahim

This is my first attempt to finish a political book in life.

b4 this mmg tersgtla susah nak habiskan buku genre macam ni,
I'm not an obsessed bookish (a nicer term instead of nerdy, ;p)
I read books as a therapy, reducing tense & obviously for the sake of knowledge.

anyhow, this book totally changed my perception towards this genre.
it is merely just a book for leisure, with plain writing yet very interesting.
most importantly, the way he wrote the book had captured my soul~eww

Apa yang menarik sangat tentang buku ni?
dalam buku ni zaid banyak bercerita tentang pengalaman beliau menjadi menteri selama 5 bln 27 hari! menjadikan beliau menteri yang paling singkat berkhidmat dalam sejarah Msia.
best n sgt best..worth spending time to read.

but for me, tu semua bkn main attraction/ stimulus utk saya mghabiskn buku ni..
haa...the best part is, cerita tentang perjalanan hidup dia dari kecik sampai sekarang,
sampai boleh bukak law firm paling besar kat Msia ni..-Zaid Ibrahim & Co-
dari seorang anak kampung yang hidup serba kekurangan, he manage to succeed.
emm..bukan calang2 ni...very inspiring....

i suggest this book to everybody,
a must-read book,
very interesting, very inspring,
something that worth reading..


P/S: i'm thinking of giving this book to somebody ;p..lalala
sure he'll like it~~

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